Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to get in shape before I start a personal training program?

No way! Getting in shape is not a prerequisite for starting a personal training program with us. In fact, our programs are specifically designed to meet you where you are on your fitness journey. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting, our experienced trainers tailor workouts to your current fitness level. We understand that everyone has unique starting points, and our goal is to guide and support you in achieving your fitness aspirations. So, don't worry if you're not in peak condition – that's what we're here for! Our personalized approach ensures that every session is a step towards your individual goals, no matter where you begin. 

Do I have to give up all my favorite foods in order to get into better shape?

Not at all! Our approach to personal training emphasizes sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle changes. While we provide guidance on proper nutrition to support your fitness goals, it's not about deprivation. As long as you stick to your customized program, eat properly, and get enough rest, you should expect to see physical changes within 4-6 weeks. Changes in energy levels can happen as early as two weeks with consistent effort. It's crucial to stick closely to your program for optimal results. However, we also emphasize balance – don't make significant additional changes to your lifestyle. Patience is key, and we're here to support you on your journey!

Will lifting weights make me bulky?

NOPE! Weightlifting is a crucial component of any effective personal training program. It plays a key role in building lean muscle mass, improving endurance, and increasing bone density. If you're concerned about resembling a massive bodybuilder, rest assured. You would have to train very specifically, and in most cases, for years to achieve that level of size. Our focus is on tailored, customized programs that align with your fitness goals without the worry of unwanted bulk. Weightlifting, when done right, contributes to a toned and strong physique without the fear of excessive muscle mass.

Does muscle weigh more than fat?

Heck NO!  Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat.  It is more dense than fat.  Fat spreads out over more surface areas of your body. 1 pound is still 1 pound.

Do I have to work out every day to reach my fitness goals?

That’s a NO! The great thing about a customized fitness program is that it not only focuses on your goals but also caters to your time constraints. While regular activity throughout the week is recommended, you don't have to work out in the gym every day. The right personal training program can efficiently minimize your time spent exercising while maximizing your results. It's all about finding the balance that works for you and ensuring that your fitness routine is both effective and sustainable.

How long should I workout for?

Generally, you can plan to spend 30-60 mins working out, depending on your fitness routine. The duration varies based on the intensity of your workout. For instance, high-intensity activities like HIIT Training may only require around 30 mins, while activities like weight lifting and low-intensity cardio may benefit from a longer session, around 60 mins. Our goal is to tailor a personalized fitness program that fits seamlessly into your schedule, ensuring you achieve your goals efficiently without unnecessary time commitments.

What’s the best diet for my fitness goals?

Diets are tricky! There isn’t one type of diet that will work for everyone, and often, strict dieting sets most people up for failure. Instead, we advocate for well-balanced, planned meals as the best approach to see results. Our focus is on crafting a personalized nutrition plan that enables you to eat healthily without giving up all the foods you enjoy. This approach also provides flexibility to meet any dietary restrictions you might have. When it comes to food, simplicity is key in achieving sustainable and effective results.

Is fat bad for me?

NO WAY!  Fat is required for many body processes such as cognitive function, and believe it or not, weight loss.  Fats help you feel satiated or full.  You definitely don’t want to go overboard with fats but the right kind of fats in the proper quantities will help get you to those weight loss goals you are looking for.

Should I just stop eating carbs to lose weight?

PLEASE DON’T!  Removing an entire food group from your diet might get you short-term results but you will not be able to maintain those results.  And when you eventually fall off the wagon, you will gain all the weight back plus more!  A well-balanced diet and nutrition plan is the best way to go about losing weight.  And a personal trainer can help you find what’s right for you.

Can’t I just do cardio to lose weight?

It’s not recommended. Cardio will help you lose weight, but too much cardio will make you lose muscle after a certain point. It’s why people that only do cardio end up with no muscle definition and why people stall out on weight loss. A customized program includes a balance of resistance training, cardio, and diet as the proper way to achieve weight loss.

How much protein should I eat?

Protein is EXTREMELY important for weight loss and building lean muscle mass. A good rule of thumb is to eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight in kilos (i.e. if you weigh 160lbs you divide by 2.2 160/2 = 80 grams per day). Don’t skimp on this! It is very important to achieve many different fitness goals.

Does stress really affect my ability to lose weight?

Levels of cortisol rise during times of stress.  This causes higher insulin levels which will cause you to crave surgery or fatty foods.  If you are under constant stress, you’ll find yourself more inclined to overeat more often which can lead to weight gain and make it difficult to lose weight.

Is sleep really that important to lose weight?

SUPER IMPORTANT!  Sleep is crucial for fitness goals as it's when essential processes occur! During sleep, your body releases growth hormone for muscle repair and growth, enhancing post-workout recovery. It influences metabolic function, impacting weight management efforts. Additionally, sleep regulates hunger and stress hormones. Lack of sleep can disrupt these, potentially hindering progress by increasing cravings and stress. 

Is walking exercise?

This is a tough one because many people rely on walking to find some sort of healthy balance in their lives.  The short answer is NO, but let’s explore the difference between PHYSICAL ACTIVITY and EXERCISE:

  • Physical activity is any movement that is carried out by the muscles that require energy. In other words, it is any movement a person does.

  • Exercise is, by definition, planned, structured, repetitive, and intentional movement. Exercise is also intended to improve or maintain physical fitness.

  • So walking is considered Physical Activity but it is still a good way to promote a healthier lifestyle.

How long will it take for me to lose weight?

As long as you stick to your personalized fitness program, eat properly and get enough rest, you should expect to see physical changes within 4-6 weeks. Changes in your energy levels can happen as early as two weeks with consistent effort. It’s important to remember that the closer you stick to your program, the more quickly you will see your desired results. But remember, follow your program. Don’t add to an already significant change to lifestyle. Have patience and trust the process of your gym customized plan.